Dr. Michel Kranendonk

Address info: NOVA Medical School | Faculty of Medical Sciences, Lisbon (Portugal)


Michel Kranendonk received his PhD in Chemistry (Molecular Toxicology) from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, for work performed at the UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas (US), the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Portugal) and at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands). In 2010, he was appointed Principal Investigator at the NOVA Medical School (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa) and since 2015 he is heading the Xenobiotic Metabolism research group of the Research Center for Toxicogenomics & Human Health. He is lecturer of multiple PhD and MSc programs in genetics, toxicology, and drug metabolism and has supervised national and international students and postdoctoral scientists. He is a past Special Co-editor of Frontiers in Pharmacology, and currently Associated Editor of Frontiers in Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics and Review Editor of Frontiers in Genetics. Additionally, he is member of the Management Committee of the EU Cost Action Pro EURO DILI Network and of the International Advisory Committee of the Cytochrome P450 Conferences.