Address info: University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T. Popa Iasi, Iasi (Romania)
Prof. Habil. Liliana Mititelu-Tartau received her MD from „Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi, Romania in 1991, and her PhD in Pharmacology in 2006, with the thesis: „Experimental and clinical contribution in visceral pain”. She is proffesor at the Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Algesiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, „Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi, Romania, and coordinator of the clinical pharmacology residency training program. She is senior specialist in Clinical Pharmacology and works in privat system. She has a Hirsch index of 13, being author of 19 textbooks, 18 book chapters (2 in an international publishing house); 73 articles in in ISI-indexed journals, 85 articles in journals recognized in international databases, 58 abstracts in ISI-indexed supplements to journals. She was involved in 18 research grants. Her monography „Visceral pain”, EditDAN Publishing House, Iasi, 2004, was awarded, in 2006, the „Daniel Danielopolu” Prize of Romanian Academy of Sciences. She was also awarded ECNP Travel Award at 31st ECNP Congress, 2018, Barcelona, Spain; CDE Grant at 28th ECNP Congress, 2015, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; and ECNP Travel Award at 23-rd ECNP Congress, 2010, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. A number of 32 papers published in ISI Thomson Reuters Core Collection journals were awarded by UEFISCDI Romania as part of the «Awarding of Research Results» program.