Address info: Slovak Medical University, Bratislava (Slovakia)
Physician – medical specialist (clinical pharmacology, hepatology, internal medicine), medical ethicist, bioethicist. Head, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Slovak Medical University in Bratislava (SMU). Head, Institute of Health Care Ethics, Faculty of Nursing and Professional Health Studies SMU. 3rd Vice-President, Slovak Medical Association (SkMA). Chairman, SkMA Committee on Bioethics. Chairman, Accreditation Council of Slovakia for Continuous Medical Education. SkMA Delegate, European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) and European Accreditation Council for CME (EACCME). President, Slovak Society of Clinical Pharmacology of SkMA. Past Scientific Secretary, Slovak Society of Hepatology of SkMA. Director, Institute of Medical Ethics and Bioethics. Editor, Medical Ethics & Bioethics. Chairman, Ethics Committee at the Slovak Ministry of Health (SK NEC). Member, Committee on Ethics and Regulation of AI of the Ministry of Investment and Regional Development SR. SR Delegate, Steering Committee on Human Rights in the Fields of Biomedicine and Health (CDBIO), Council of Europe. Member and Ethics Office, Board of the European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (EF GCP). Board Member, EUPATI. Member, Councillor of the Board, European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT).
March 2023
Contact details:
Prof. Jozef Glasa, M.D., PhD., PhD.
Slovak Medical University in Bratislava
Limbová st. 12-14, 83303 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
tel. (+421-2) 59370.547, mobile: (+421)905.208.146
e-mail: jozef.glasa@szu.sk, jozef_glasa@yahoo.com