Address info: Faculdade Medicina de Lisboa, Lisbon (Portugal)
Helena Cortez-Pinto (MD, PhD) is a specialist in Gastroenterology, dedicated
predominantly to Hepatology, in particular to fatty liver, nutrition, and public
health, being the National Leader of several clinical trials in NASH. She is Full
professor of Medicine, in Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, Universidade de
Lisboa, Portugal, teaching Gastroenterology and Nutrition-related disciplines.
Prof. Helena Cortez-Pinto is currently the President of United European
Gastroenterology (UEG). Previously, she held the position of EASL EU Policy
Councillor. She is Fellow from AASLD.
She is associate editor of the Seminars of Liver Disease and a member of the
editorial board of the Journal of Hepatology. She has published over one
hundred and fifty scientific articles, in journals including JAMA,
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Journal of Hepatology, Liver International, and
Lancet. She integrates several European consortia, namely: Litmus and
SALVE, and has several ongoing research projects, mostly in NAFLD area.