Anna Licata, MD

Gender Balance, diversity & inclusion coordinator.

Address info: University of Palermo, Palermo (Italy)

Anna Licata is a physician, internist-hepatologist at the University of Palermo. During the specialization in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy, at the “V. Cervello” Hospital, under the guidance of Luigi Pagliaro, she perfected her clinical skills. She was for 18 months visiting research assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. Thanks to a project related to NFKB signaling in liver diseases, she spent a period at the Division of Immunogenetics, John Rangos Research Center, with Massimo Trucco and subsequently, she was at Transplant Pathology, Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute, UPMC, working with Jake Demetris. Back from the USA, she started working as a researcher in Internal Medicine at Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit, with Antonio Craxì. During this period, she has dealt with chronic liver diseases of non-viral etiology.  DILI has become her main field of interest, as evidenced by the numerous publications and, moreover, by the research projects she has carried out, obtaining funding from the University of Palermo and the Italian institutions (AIFA). In 2009 she became an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine. In 2018 she was invited to participate in COST Action 17112, Prospective European Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network (PRO-EURO-DILI-NET), as Gender Balance Coordinator. She is currently Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Palermo; she is Coordinator of the Degree Course in Nursing;  she is author of about 150 publications (ORCID: 0000-0003-0383-612; Scopus: cit 4518; doc 147; H -Index 35). Her interest and her activity in the field of gender policies at the University of Palermo were decisive for her becoming Delegate of the PROMISE Department for Equal Opportunities. Since 2021 she has been Head of the Unit of Internal Medicine, Hepatobiliary and Intestinal Diseases of the University Hospital of Palermo